Saturday, May 5, 2012


           Offshore platforms are used for exploration of Oil and Gas from exploration of Oil and Gas fromunder Seabed and processing.under Seabed and processing. The First Offshore platform was The First Offshore platform was installed in 1947 off the coast of installed in 1947 off the coast of Louisiana in 6M depth of water.Louisiana in 6M depth of water. Today there are over 7,000Today there are over 7,000Offshore platforms around the Offshore platforms around the world in water depths up to world in water depths up to1,850M1,850M

          Platform size depends on facilities to be installed on top side eg. Oil rig, living installed on top side eg. Oil rig, living quarters, Helipad etc.quarters, Helipad etc. Classification of water depths:Classification of water depths: ±  ± < 350 M< 350 M--Shallow water Shallow water  ±  ± < 1500 M< 1500 M --Deep water Deep water  ±  ± > 1500 M> 1500 M--Ultra deep water Ultra deep water  ±  ± US Mineral Management Service US Mineral Management Service(MMS) classifies water depths greater (MMS) classifies water depths greater than 1,300 ft as deepwater, and greater than 1,300 ft as deep water, and greater than 5,000 ft as ultra than 5,000 ft as ultra—deep water.deepwater

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