Saturday, May 5, 2012


  • All process and utility piping shall be located above grade where possible. Installation of piping in trenches shall require approval of the Engineering Department.
  • All piping shall be routed for the shortest practical run but, shall include a sufficient number of fittings for expansion, flexibility and access by personnel and maintenance equipment. Pockets shall be avoided in all lines where possible.
  • All lines inside process unit limits shall preferably be run side by side on overhead pipe supports. Lines outside process unit limits may be run on sleepers.
  • Branch connections shall normally be at a 90 degree intersection to the run pipe. 45-degree laterals for uses other than branch blow down and relief lines shall normally be avoided. In no case shall a welded branch connection be designed with an intersecting angle of less than 45 degrees.
  • All piping shall be arranged to facilitate support. Where possible, all lines shall be run at elevation intervals which would enable them to be supported on common structural steel supports.
  • Control valves. Pressure-relief valves and instrumentation devices shall be accessible from platforms or grade and grouped at main operating levels.
  • Lines carrying molten solids or materials of high viscosity shall be self-draining.
  • Consideration shall be given to providing flexibility in the piping at storage tanks to allow for future tank and piping settlement.

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