Sunday, April 29, 2012


The Equipment functions build 3D models for all kinds of plant items, from pumps and exchangers through to complex items such as reactor vessels and compressors. Any level of detail can be modelled.
  • 3D CAD models can be imported via translators, including AVEVA Mechanical Equipment Interface.
  • Laser scanned models of 'as-built' equipment can be referenced. (See AVEVA Laser Model Interface for more information.)
  • Multiple graphical representations are available, and obstruction volumes may be added so that spaces required for maintenance access can be visualised and clash-checked during layout and design.
  • Equipment templates allow complex parameterised design configurations to be defined so that they can be quickly and easily re-used, even across multiple projects.
  • Equipment items include 'intelligent' connection points, with relevant attributes, for the connection of associated piping, ducting, instrument and electrical systems.

Solat - Posisi Duduk Untuk Solat

Moga dirahmati Allah,

2 persoalan

1) Seorang yang dalam keadaan sihat dan anggota tubuh badan...mendirikan solat wajib dalam keadaan duduk(saja2)..apa hukumnya?

2) Seorang yang dalam keadaan sihat dan anggota tubuh badan juga...mendirikan solat sunat(tahajjud,qabliyyah,ba'diyyah,tarawikh) dalam keadaan duduk(saja2)..apa hukumnya?

Postby kamin »

Alhamdulillah. Kami akan cuba menjawab soalan anda dengan kadar kemampuan yang ada, InSyaAllah.

Berdiri semasa solat fardu adalah rukun solat. Imam Nawawi rh mengatakan ijma' ulama mengatakan berdiri adalah salah satu dari rukun solat, dan tiada solat tanpanya [al-Majmu, 3/236]. Bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai keuzuran atau sakit, wajib melakukan solat berdiri, jika tidak berdiri dengan sengaja solatnya tidak sah.

Didalam sebuah hadith sahih :-

عن عِمْرَانَ بْنِ حُصَيْنٍ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ : كَانَتْ بِي بَوَاسِيرُ فَسَأَلْتُ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنْ الصَّلاةِ ، فَقَالَ : " صَلِّ قَائِمًا فَإِنْ لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ فَقَاعِدًا فَإِنْ لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ فَعَلَى جَنْبٍ .
"Dari Imran ibn Husain ra. telah berkata : Aku menghadapi buasir dan telah bertanya Nabi :saw mengenai solat. Baginda berkata : Solatlah berdiri, jika tidak mampu lakukan secara duduk, jika tidak mampu lakukan secara mengiring" [Hadith Riwayat al-Bukhari].

Jelas hadith ini menunjukkan wajib berdiri didalam solat fardu jika seseorang itu mampu berdiri.

Berlainan hukumnya didalam solat sunat, dimana seseorang itu dibenarkan melakukan solat secara duduk walaupun dia tidak uzur. Berkata Ibn Qudamah rh :

لا نعلم خلافاً في إباحة التطوع جالساً ، وأنه في القيام أفضل ، وقد قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( مَنْ صَلَّى قَائِمًا فَهُوَ أَفْضَلُ ، وَمَنْ صَلَّى قَاعِدًا فَلَهُ نِصْفُ أَجْرِ الْقَائِمِ ) متفق عليه – رواه البخاري ( 1064 ) فقط - ، وفي لفظ مسلم – ( 735 ) - ( صَلاَةُ الرَّجُلِ قَاعِدًا عَلَى نِصْفِ الصَّلاَةِ )
"Kami tidak tahu wujudnya khilaf (perselisihan) kebenaran melakukan solat sunat secara duduk. Akan tetapi jika berdiri adalah lebih afdal (diutamakan). Telah berkata Nabi :saw (barangsiapa yang bersolat berdiri ia adalah lebih baik, barangsiapa bersolat secara duduk ia mendapat separuh pahala orang berdiri) Hadith Muttafaq Alaih - riwayat al-Bukhari #1064, didalam lafaz Imam Muslim # 735 pula berbunyi (Solat seorang lelaki secara duduk pahalanya adalah separuh solat)" [al-Mughni, 1/811].

Imam Nawawi rh juga menyebut : dibolehkan melakukan solat sunat secara duduk bagi yang berkemampuan bersolat berdiri secara 'ijmak, dengan sandaran hadith-hadith sahih sebagaimana kita diperingatkan mengenai hadith yang masyhur sahihnya, akan tetapi pahala/ganjarannya adalah separuh ganjaran solat berdiri [al-Majmu', 1/239].

Kesimpulannya, didalam solat fardu, seseorang yang tidak uzur wajib berdiri, akan tetapi didalam solat sunat, seseorang yang tidak uzur dibenarkan duduk tanpa khilaf, akan tetapi pahalanya adalah setengah dari orang yang bersolat sunat sambil berdiri. WA.

Sekian, wassalam


AVEVA PDMS's highly interactive piping design functions allow rapid modelling of all piping systems, based on component catalogues and engineering specifications. From this model, Piping General Arrangement drawings, isometric drawings and bills of quantity are produced.
  • A full range of piping isometrics can be automatically generated, from the complete system, through to fabrication, erection and individual spool isometrics.
  • AVEVA PDMS manages and integrates all stages of the piping workflow, from initial routing, through basic and detailed design to individual pipe spooling at the fabricator.
  • AVEVA PDMS Piping integrates with piping schematics for design input, with AVEVA Multi-Discipline Supports for the detail design of pipe supports, and with specialist pipe stress applications, via the AVEVA Pipe Stress Interface. Custom interfaces to third-party flow calculation systems, wall thickness calculation or other software can easily be created.
  • Automated Pipe Routing includes automatic selection of items such as gaskets and flanges, allowing a preliminary route and Materials Take Off to be created very quickly.
  • Sophisticated pipe manufacturability checks help designers ensure that pipes can be fabricated at least cost. Flange rotation checks ensure that bolt holes are correctly aligned.
  • The Quick Pipe Routing function enables interactive pipe routing by using the mouse pointer to specify changes in direction. Components can be quickly positioned using feature snapping and intelligent prediction can complete a pipe route automatically.
  • Integrity and clash checking functions highlight errors during modelling, for high quality design.
  • Sophisticated modification capabilities enable the piping design to be progressively refined. These include functions to apply specification and bore changes across the line, and to define and modify sloping pipes.
  • Piping Assemblies such as vents, drains or control sets can be added to the design as entities. Existing configurations can be saved for re-use elsewhere.
  • All drawings have associative dimensions and 'intelligent' annotations, and can be updated automatically with design changes.
  • Accurate materials information can be generated on each sheet or drawing or on separate reports for any System, Line, Area, and so on.
  • Fully automatic piping isometric drawings can be produced directly from the database. Options are available to meet any industry, national, company or project requirement.
  • AVEVA PDMS manages the creation of individual pipe spool isometrics, and of fully intelligent welds in the database, which can be maintained across multiple revision cycles.
"PDMS slashed field piping errors by a factor of 10."


       AVEVA PDMS 3D design software delivers maximum productivity and capability on all types of plant project, from the smallest upgrade to newbuild projects of unlimited size and complexity. PDMS users range from small engineering contractors to many of the largest multinational process and power companies.

       PDMS includes comprehensive functions for all aspects of 3D plant design. Select from the list to learn more.
  • A fully interactive, intuitive 3D plant design environment, with a Microsoft Office-style user interface based on .NET technology
  • Hundreds of designers can work concurrently on a project, in a fully controlled manner, with visibility of the entire design at all times.
  • Designers progressively create a highly intelligent 3D design by selecting and positioning parametric components from an extensive catalogue.
  • Clash checking and configurable integrity checking rules help a designer create ‘right first time’ design and enable effective overall design quality assurance.
  • A configurable Status Management function provides visual highlighting and clear reporting of design maturity status of PDMS objects.
  • Highly configurable, automatic generation of a wide range of reports and drawings direct from the PDMS database
  • AVEVA PDMS is highly configurable and includes both a powerful programmable macro language (PML) and a .NET API to customise the system and automate key tasks.
  • PDMS integrates with all other AVEVA Plant applications and interface products to form the most complete and configurable 3D plant design solution for the power and process industries.